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Inclement Weather Notification

We alert families and staff about closures, snow days and delayed starts no later than 5:30 a.m. If a delayed start turns into a closure, notifications will be made no later than 7 a.m.

Notifications are made via:

Full Closure Due to Inclement Weather

The first two days of school closures due to weather will be full closure days for all levels and buildings. These are considered “traditional snow days,” during which students and staff are not required to attend or work remotely.

If additional closure days are needed after using the two traditional snow days, the district will implement the following plan:

  • High schools and middle schools engage in synchronous eLearning.   

    • Synchronous eLearning “snow” days start two-hours later than normal school start times and follow a schedule established by the school. The later start times allow students and teachers to prepare for short notice remote learning.  Staff and students will attend courses remotely based on the “bell” schedule established by the school.

  • Elementary schools are closed. 

    • Elementary students do not attend in-person or remotely.  There is no eLearning for students. Elementary school staff will work remotely and start their days two-hours later than their normal start time.

All after-school activities, athletics, and meetings will be canceled. Schools will notify students directly about any exceptions.

Two-hour Late Start Due to Inclement Weather  

When inclement weather requires a two-hour delay, all students and staff will report to their schools two hours later than usual. There will be no eLearning during late starts, and all learning will be in person.

Morning preschool will be canceled, while afternoon preschool will run on its normal schedule.

Early Release

Occasionally situations arise when the weather moves in mid-day and we need to release students early. In these situations:

  • Parents are urged to develop a plan for situations when their student may be released early.

  • Parents will be notified by phone and email.

  • Information will be posted on the district website and social media. Local media will also be notified.


If lightning strikes within 10 miles at dismissal time, we will implement safety procedures and notify families using 20 Alert. The following will happen:

  • Students who walk home from school must wait inside the building for 30 minutes or until they receive the all-clear and it is safe to walk. Students may call their parents to ask for direction.

  • Students who are picked up from school must wait inside until their ride has arrived. Parents should use the designated pickup line and not plan to pick students up in other areas. Some schools require that you come inside the building and sign your student out. Please check with your school for guidance. All students should be picked up within 30 minutes of dismissal.

  • Students who ride the bus should proceed quickly to their designated bus.

  • High School students who drive themselves should go directly to their vehicle and leave campus without lingering in the parking lot.

Find out more about lightning policies at Board Docs.

Weather Related Decision Making

The safety of students and staff is paramount in the decision to close or delay the start of schools. When making weather related decisions, many factors are considered before closing or delaying the start of schools. The Chief Operating Officer receives real-time information from the Transportation, Facilities, Security, and Risk Management Departments to recommend closures and delayed starts for schools to the Superintendent.

Considerations include:

  • Receive up-to-the-minute weather updates from local weather consultants

  • Road sanding plans from El Paso County and the City of Colorado Springs

  • Exchange vital information about weather and road conditions with neighboring school districts

  • Updates from the U.S. Air Force Academy

  • On-the-ground assessments of road conditions

Key questions include:

  • Can our school buses safely travel to and from school?

  • Will our students who walk to school encounter unsafe weather-related conditions and/or barriers?

  • Can our facilities team safely clear school campuses of ice and snow?

  • Are the temperatures, wind chill, and visibility levels safe?

  • Will we be able to provide meals?

  • What is the forecast for later in the day?

Please note all delays, closures, and early-releases are for the entire district unless otherwise noted. Also, weather conditions in one part of the district may be different than in other parts of the district. Finally, please check with your child’s school regarding the cancellation of events and activities. 

Make-up Days

District policy requires a set number of instructional days each year. If closures cause the district to fall below this number, make-up days may be scheduled, and we will announce them as needed.


The Transportation Department ensures students have safe and reliable transportation between the student’s bus stop, school and sanctioned activities.


The Transportation Department ensures students have safe and reliable transportation between the student’s bus stop, school and sanctioned activities.
(719) 234-1410
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday
Transportation Depot
7408 Duryea Dr., Bldg. A
Colorado Springs, CO 80920